Uptown Comics Fest: Mini-Fest
WHEN: Sunday, September 18, 12-4pm
WHERE: Pat’s Lawn, Inwood Hill Park (Near 218th and Indian Road)
WHAT: Author Signings, Panels, Workshops, Giveaways, and More!
Kayla Miller, CLICK Series
Kayla Miller, CLICK Series
Sandy Jimenez, WW3 Contributor
Kelly Fernandez, MANU (2022)
Sharon Lee De La Cruz, I’m a Wild Seed (2021)
Hazel Newlevant, NO IVY LEAGUE (2021)
Jason (of Dan and Jason), BLUE, BARRY AND PANCAKES series
Sara Gómez-Woolley, PIRATE QUEENS: the Dauntless Women who Dared to sail the High Seas (2022)
Alitha Martinez, NUBIA (2022)
1:45–2:30pm: Isabel Roxas & Mika Song Joint signing
12pm – Drawing Bodies: Aatmaja Pandya, Bishakh Som, Hazel Newlevant and Daisy Ruiz
12pm – Drawing Bodies: Aatmaja Pandya, Bishakh Som, Hazel Newlevant and Daisy Ruiz
1pm – Teaching Comics: Paula Hewitt Amram (Artist and Teacher, SVA), Sara Gómez-Woolley (Artist and Teacher, CUNY), Alitha Martinez (Artist and Teacher, SVA) & Renee Scott (NYPL Librarian)
2pm – Getting Started in Comics: Eric Battle (Artist), C.B. Cebulski (Editor-in-Chief of Marvel), Liz Frances (Editor-in-Chief of Street Noise Books), & Alitha Martinez (Artist); moderated by Sara Gomez-Woolley
3pm – Graffiti and Comics: Dister Rondon, Rammer Martínez Sánchez, & Carlos Feegz Martínez Dominguez; moderated by Sandy Jimenez
Intro to Tabletop Role Playing Games with Plato Learning
Story Boarding Workshop with Uptown Stories
Zine Workshop with Carlos Quispe
and more!
Uptown Kid Lit 2022 is made possible in part with public funds from Creative Engagement, a regrant program supported by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by LMCC.
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