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February Saturday Science

On Saturday, February 24, 2024, doors are open 1-4 pm at Columbia University’s Jerome L. Greene Science Center, entrance at 605 West 129th Street, New York NY 10027.

Saturday Science is back! We invite students, families, and community groups to join scientists in exploring the brain through hands-on brain science activities.

How does my brain work? How and why does my brain create the emotions I feel everyday? Get answers to these questions and more!

At February’s Saturday Science, our theme is Emotions on the Mind! We feature brand new activities every month, as well as some returning favorites.

You have a mind to discover. Join us!

RSVP online now to guarantee entrance. Click here to register.

This event is free and open to the public. Content is geared toward elementary and middle school students, but learners of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend! Adults must accompany all children. Guests can come at any time between 1 and 4 pm; the typical guest spends about one hour at the event.

Questions? Email us at publicprograms@zi.columbia.edu.

Saturday Science is a monthly series for learners of all ages to explore the inner workings of their brain. Saturday Science complements other public programs produced by Columbia University’s Zuckerman Institute. For more information on all of our programs, click here.

Saturday Science is brought to you by the Zuckerman InstituteBioBus, and Columbia University Neuroscience Outreach.

We hope you can make it!

Columbia University’s Zuckerman Institute


Jan 19 2025


1:00 pm - 4:00 pm



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Columbia's Jerome L. Greene Science Center
Jerome L. Greene Science Center, Broadway, New York, NY


Public Programs at Columbia's Zuckerman Institute

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